Two years ago, Google launched a tablet called the Pixel C. It was an expensive piece of kit that was meant to showcase that the Android experience on tablets wasn’t completely dead, but it wouldn’t be hard to argue it didn’t quite achieve that goal.
The Pixel C was available in two options, 32GB and 64GB, and while Google stopped selling the 32GB option some time ago, the 64GB model has remained at full price, ready for anyone who wanted to fork over $599 for a new Android tablet. That model’s time in the Google Store is now over. As spotted by Android Police, Google is no longer selling either model of the Pixel C.
Interestingly enough, Google’s original page automatically redirects would-be buyers to the Pixelbook. So it’s all Chromebook and Pixelbooks, all day every day.
Did you ever pick up a Pixel C tablet? If so, which version and are you still using it?
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