The “Hey Google” command is something that most people greatly prefer over the old “OK Google” command when triggering Google Assistant. “Hey Google” just rolls off the tongue, while “OK Google” is a bit of an awkward phrase to use.
The new “Hey Google” phrase has already come to some smartphones, but that was a small scale rollout. Now it seems that the full rollout has begun and is coming to most phones. The device will ask you to retrain the voice model, saying each phrase twice instead of a single phrase three times. From then on, you’ll be able to use either phrase to trigger Assistant.
There is a problem with this new rollout though. Many of us like to use our Google Homes with the “Hey Google” phrase. This new feature will cause the phones to trigger every time we use our home devices. It’ll definitely be an annoyance, and I wish Google would allow us to choose the phrase for our phones (whether custom or just letting us select one or both from the current two).
What is your opinion on this new feature? Leave a comment!
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