While other carriers have begun to offer unlimited data again (with some caveats), AT&T has remained recalcitrant on the issue. Now the nation’s second largest carrier is taking a step to try and urge customers off of grandfathered unlimited data plans. Beginning in February, AT&T customers who are grandfathered into unlimited data plans will be charged an extra $5 per month, in a move clearly designed to nudge customers off of their unlimited data plans.
9to5Mac and The Verge first reported the news, but now CNET has gained confirmation from an AT&T spokesperson that this price hike will indeed be happening.
The spokesperson said, “To help ensure we can continue to provide the best service for all of our customers, a small price increase is being made at this time.”
This price increase may be small, but it’s symbolic of AT&T’s displeasure at its customers still on unlimited data plans. Will the raise actually push customers off of unlimited data plans? In reality, it’s not too likely that these customers will give up their unlimited data over an extra $5/month. Most of these people are quite dedicated to their unlimited data plans, which can easily be seen by the fact that they’ve held onto unlimited data for five years now since it was discontinued.
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