If you’re into Android at all, there’s no doubt you’ve heard of Pushbullet. It’s a program that connects your phone to your computer to your tablet, whatever you like. You can use it to send texts from your computer via your phone, check notifications, and a lot more.
Pushbullet has now announced a Pro version, which will cost either $4.99 a month or $39.99 a year. A company has to make money somehow, right? The blog post details how the company doesn’t want to show ads or sell user data, so this was the best way to make some money. And if you love a service, paying as little as $3.33 a month isn’t absurd.
However, there’s a downside to current users. Pushbullet is making some previously free features Pro only, which means current users may have to start paying to continue using the service. This may leave a bitter taste in some people’s mouths.

This is the breakdown of the free and Pro account features. I think the biggest problem for free users is the 100 message per month limit. A lot of people used Pushbullet for sending messages from their computers, which they will no longer be able to do for more than a few days (or hours). And with Motorola Connect killed off, we have fewer and fewer free options to text from our computers.
Do you use Pushbullet? What do you think of this move? Let us know in the comments!

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