At the tail end of October, Fossil officially introduced the Q Founder smartwatch, which runs an Intel chip under its hood and boasts Google’s Android Wear platform. At the time, Fossil wasn’t prepared to announce an official launch date, with expectations that the new smartwatch with Fossil’s classic timepiece design would arrive in time for the holiday shopping season.
Turns out that’s indeed the case, as Fossil has officially listed the Q Founder on its website for immediate availability. Pricing for the Q Founder is set at $295.00 (a bit higher than the expected $275), with plenty of different shipping methods to choose from, including an overnight option for an additional $19.95 that can put the watch on your doorstep in 1 to 2 business days.
As far as specs go, it features a case size of 46mm, with 4GB of built-in storage, the aforementioned Intel chip, Bluetooth 4.1 for connectivity, and a battery that measures in at 400mAh, which Fossil says is “estimated all day” in longevity. The watch itself is stainless steel, and so is the strap. It’s IP67-rated water resistant, and it does indeed have a touchscreen. It can connect to Android 4.4+ and iOS 8+.
A quick search for any Fossil stores that might have stock ready for pickup was fruitless, so if you want to get your wrist underneath a Q Founder, it looks like the safest bet is ordering online.
Do you think you’ll be picking up the Q Founder?
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