The rumored HTC smartwatch may finally be release in February of next year – nearly two years after the firs HTC smartwatch rumors started circulating. According to @evleaks, HTC is prepping a “One watch” which will show up in February. While no spec details were revealed in the new rumor, a leak from September claimed that HTC was working on an Android Wear smartwatch with a circular 360 x 360 pixel display. There’s no information which ties these two rumors together, but we doubt that HTC is working on more than one smartwatch.
If you’ve been waiting patiently for an HTC smartwatch, we’d caution you not to get your hopes up too soon. The company has openly admitted that it killed off its 2014 smartwatch because it didn’t stand out from the competition and the summer launch of the HTC Grip fitness tracker was scrapped so that it could be re-designed. We’re sure that HTC’s engineers and design team will come up with a great Android Wear smartwatch, but we’re going to keep our expectations low until we can actually wrap it around our wrist.
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