Ever since Razer acquired Nextbit back in January 2017, support for the Nextbit Robin has been fading out. Now the last bit of support finally has a sunset date.
Confirmed by emails sent to Nextbit Robin owners, Razer will officially shut down support for the Robin’s cloud storage feature on March 1. When Nextbit unveiled the Robin, it also announced Smart Storage, a feature that would store apps and app data in the cloud so that they could be easily retrieved when needed but not take up any room on the device’s built-in storage when the user didn’t want it.
Here’s part of that email to customers:
“If you haven’t signed out of Smart Storage, you will be automatically logged out of our servers. Images (thumbnails in gallery) and apps (cloud icons on launcher) that are archived and are not local to the phone will not be accessible through your phone anymore. This includes Apps in the FAB tab. All the images that are backed up until that point will be available on our tools http://ift.tt/2EoxPn9. Only the content that is local will be accessible from the phone at that point.”
The email reminds Robin owners that if they don’t want to lose any of their data, they will need to download their apps from the Smart Storage and make sure that they aren’t offloaded at a later date by pinning them. Anything that gets lost in the cloud storage after the March 1 cut-off date won’t be retrievable.
It is possible to get your stored pictures off Nextbit’s cloud storage if you visit Nextbit’s official site. You will be able to either download individual pictures to your computer, select groups, or get all of your stored pictures as a large zip.
That tool will be active until April 1, 2018. Once that date passes, “all the personal information and data that has been collected from you will be purged and we won’t be able to recover your data.”
Considering that support for the Robin has been waning as Razer focuses on its own smartphone, this next step isn’t surprising in the slightest. Either way, it’s good for Robin owners to be aware of what’s happening and to be able to take the necessary steps to keep what they want.
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