Though it’s the giant of the smartphone world, Samsung has faced challenges over the past two years. The company’s troubles began with the Galaxy Note 7, which faced a total recall after widespread battery issues. The company rebounded with the Galaxy S8, a flagship smartphone that earned the acclaim of critics and customers alike. But the company has faced more battery issues with the Note 8, albeit on a much smaller scale that hasn’t prompted a recall. In 2018, Samsung is looking to have a year devoid of quality issues.
To that end, Samsung is hard at work on its Galaxy S9 smartphone. As the first flagship of the year, the Galaxy S9 will set Samsung’s trend for 2018. While some expected Samsung to launch the Galaxy S9 at the Consumer Electronics Show that’s currently taking place in Las Vegas, the company’s mobile president, DJ Koh, has confirmed that Samsung will not be launching the S9 this week. The company currently plans to debut the Galaxy S9 in February at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Additionally, Samsung will launch Bixby 2.0, the second-gen version of its virtual assistant, in 2018.
While Samsung fans may be disappointed that they have to wait a bit longer, February is just a month away. Stay tuned for more updates, rumors, and reports regarding the Galaxy S9.
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